What Is Self-Directed Education? An introductory illustration from Peter Gray and the Alliance for Self-Directed Education
Peter Gray: Mother Nature's Pedagogy: Insights from Evolutionary Psychology- Excellent summary of Evolutionary Psychologist Peter Gray's research on children’s ability to educate themselves.
The Crisis of an Outdated Paradigm Tomis, ALC Facilitator, on the crisis created by our outdated educational paradigm.
The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us An articulate RSA Animate of Dan Pink’s famous talk.
Hackschooling Makes Me Happy A 13 year old homeschooler, Logan LaPlante, describes how he hacks his own education to create the life he wants for himself.
What If We Trusted You? A great talk by Jerry Michalski about how traditional schools are set up around the belief that children do not want to learn.
Do Schools Kill Creativity? Famous talk from Ken Robinson.
Exploring the Realm of Self-Directed Education Akilah S. Richards and Laura Kriegel from the Alliance for Self-Directed Education explain how free/democratic schools, learning centers, co-ops and more relate.
Changing Education Paradigms An RSA Animate of another excellent Ken Robinson talk on Education.
The Alliance for Self-Directed Education (ASDE)
ASDE’s main website, contains a primer on Self-Directed Education (SDE), as well other videos and resources to better understand SDE. For the must-read primer on SDE, start with “What is Self-Directed Education?” and click on the bottom of each page to continue to “The Four Educative Drives,” “The Six Optimizing Conditions”, “Why Do People Choose Self-Directed Education?,” and “How Do People Practice Self-Directed Education?”.
ASDE’s online magazine, Tipping Points is full of stories and first-hand experiences from the diverse perspectives that make up the SDE movement.
A Thousand Rivers by Carol Black. This essay really makes self-directed learning real. "How did you learn to use a computer? Did a friend help you? Did you read the manual? Did you just sit down and start playing around with it? Did you do a little bit of all of those things? Do you even remember? You just learned it, right?"
Freedom to Learn: Dr. Peter Gray's blog. Peter Gray is a professor in psychology, renowned child development expert, self-directed learning advocate.
Some recommended articles by Peter Gray:
Survey of Grown Unschoolers (research on the long-term outcomes of self-directed education)
Free to Learn by Peter Gray A well-built and researched study of history of compulsory education, and a persuasive call to arms for a self-directed education revolution. Formative in Wildwood’s founders' thinking.
Free at Last by Daniel Greenberg Overview of Sudbury Valley school by founder and former physics teacher. Provides slice-of-life as well as applied philosophy and history of school. Free E-book here.
Legacy of Trust by Greenberg and Sadofsky. A Comprehensive study with in-depth interviews of the first generations of Sudbury Valley alumni.
Academic Articles
Sugata Mitra. Minimally invasive education: A progress report on the ‘hole-in-the-wall’ experiments.
P. Gray. The special value of age-mixed play.
P. Gray and D. Chanoff. Democratic schooling: What happens to young people who have charge of their own education?
D. Greenberg, M. Sadofsky, and J. Lempka. The Pursuit of Happiness: The Lives of Sudbury Valley Alumni.
P. Gray. A Survey of Grown Unschoolers I: Overview of Findings.
Idzie Desmarais. Blogs, Interviews, & Other Writing by Grown Unschoolers.